A Look into the Life of Lisa

Lisa began at the Neighborhood Design Center in 2014 upon graduation with her Master of Architecture degree from Ohio State. After all these years, we ask the question: who is Lisa really?
Where did you attend undergrad? I graduated from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo with an architecture degree in 2012.
What jobs did you have before working at the NDC? Honestly, lots of random non-related jobs: outreach intern at the Columbus Museum of Art, a variety of retail jobs, and lots of campus-related jobs. I’ve always drifted toward people-oriented industries and (ironically enough) when interning with CMA, I worked in a lot of the same communities that NDC assists.. it feels like a full-circle experience.
So you’ve been at NDC for 4+ years now.. what brought you here initially? The mission and the opportunities. After being a student for 7 straight years, I still had no clue what I wanted to do career-wise. When I stumbled upon the NDC, I felt like I’d found a niche in the profession that I didn’t know existed. Once I learned the various facets of the organization, I knew that this was the type of career I wanted to have. After over 4 years here, I know this is one of the best decisions I could’ve made. And to use the cliché, “choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
After a few years at NDC, what would you say you’ve become an expert at? Professionally, Isabela would tell you that I am an expert at getting answers from people who can be a bit… prickly.
What about outside of work? Outside of work I enjoy being a cliché Pinterest gal. I pin lots of baking recipes, ideas for handmade holiday cards, ways to hack Ikea furniture and general handicrafts. Basically, I try to be Martha Stewart minus the farm, money and prison time.
Wow, Martha Stewart.. can I call you Martha?……. (Laughs)
What is something that you’ve accomplished recently that you are super proud of? Personally, I’m proud of the fact that I learned to sew a suit. I volunteered this spring to be a seamstress for the IIDA’s fundraiser “Product Runway.” The competition pairs designers with the materials industry to design an outfit around a theme. I joined the team from Design Group and was thrust into learning how to sew clothing, a venture I had never taken on, and am happy to say that it actually fit, didn’t fall apart and looked great on the runway.
You’ve been in Columbus for at least 7 years now-what would you say your favorite hidden gem of the city is? CAPA’s Summer Movie Series—classic films, beautiful theater, and live organ accompaniment before, during and after the show. It’s the best $5 you’ll spend. I just wish it was available all year round. *Columbus-based readers, take note!*
We’ve talked about a lot of normal stuff so far… On a scale of 1 to 10, how weird would you say you are? Is 20 an option?
What would your self-titled autobiography be called? “Not Your Aunt, Mom or Mom’s Friend Lisa”
Thanks to Lisa for allowing us to talk with her this week for our NDC staff spotlight. Stay tuned for more posts diving into the quirky personalities and lives of our full-time staff!