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NDC Attends the KSA Career Fair


Spring has sprung, signifying a change in the season and a time of change for the NDC. Every year, NDC uses this time of year to look for fresh talent by attending the Knowlton School of Architecture Career Fair. This annual event gives us a great opportunity to meet prospective interns and share more about who we are and what we do.


We are fortunate to have current student interns present during the event, giving interested students a chance to hear firsthand about the NDC intern experience. Bringing interns to the career fair is a largely successful practice that we began in 2018.  Of her experience at the 2018 KSA Career Fair, Landscape Architecture Intern Paityn Monagan says, “Talking to the interns at the career fair was nice because you can ask [peers] questions that you might not feel comfortable asking an employer. There is less pressure when talking to an intern, especially when it is a classmate. I was able to learn a lot from them about NDC intern experience, specifically about the work environment compares to studio.”

Stay tuned for a future post on welcoming our new team members!

Fun Fact: Did you know our student interns design and produce the graphics and goodies we bring to the Career Fair? Here’s just a sampling of some of the creative marketing they’ve designed!

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