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OneLinden Plan Released



After 18 months, the OneLinden plan was released and announced by Mayor Andrew J. Ginther at St. Stephen’s Community House on Oct. 23. The following day, the mayor discussed the plan at the Columbus Metropolitan Club in front of a sold out audience.

The comprehensive plan includes action steps to improve transportation, housing, help Linden residents find jobs, reduce crime and improve safety, build business and reconstruct major corridors through the neighborhood. Ginther said the city will work with public agencies, private businesses and nonprofits to implement the plan in the coming years and decades.

“For me Linden has to be safer, the residents of Linden have to be earning more and family stability and resiliency has to increase,” Ginther told The Dispatch.

The plan points to three retail “nodes” in Linden where potential re-development could occur. It envisions Hudson and I-71 as a big-box anchored retail center and a grocery store anchoring a center around 11th and Cleveland Avenues.

The area around Myrtle and Cleveland avenues, already anchored by some locally owned restaurants, could be “Downtown Linden,” with mixed-income residential housing surrounding the commercial corridor on Cleveland, according to the plan. The node could focus on ethnic food as an attraction for non-Linden residents to visit the area to take advantage of unique culinary offerings.

Learn more about the planning process and view the plan at

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