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ZeroThreshold Competition Presentation to be Hosted at NDC


In 2019, North Coast Community Homes sponsored a design competition seeking new ideas for for accessible housing, with funding from the Cleveland Foundation and technical support from the CUDC. The competition entries were exhibited at venues throughout Cleveland in late 2019 and a competition catalog is in the works.

First prize went to the New York City-based Brandt : Haferd for their project SIDE by SIDE (pictured above) which incorporated the firm’s playful claymation model aesthetic with three major design principles to create an innovative, design-forward accessible house:

  1. An Urban Approach

  2. A New Take on the Multi Family/Communal House

  3. Accessibility at Many Scales

On February 13, 2020 at 4 pm, NDC will host an exhibition and presentations by several of the winning designers.


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